Wednesday, August 5, 2015

2015/2016 Bucknell Cycling Sponsorship Packet Now Available

Each year, generous sponsors and donors make everything that we do possible.  For all the Friday Rides, winter training sufferfests, and spring race weekends, there are individuals and companies supporting us behind the scenes.  For everyone interested in continuing their support of Bucknell Cycling or anyone considering a new partnership with the team, we put together a sponsorship packet every summer that highlights who we are as a team, what we put our funds toward, and how we go about establishing a partnership with the team that is fulfilling for both ends.

Recently, funding was used to renew a professional cycling coach, purchase a dedicated cycling shed to store and maintain equipment, and send two athletes to compete in the USAC Collegiate Road National Championships, held in Asheville, NC. This coming year, one priority for the team consists of purchasing race quality team bikes, tools, and other equipment that will allow the team to grow and support more new riders.

The Bucknell Cycling Team is proud to be one of the only collegiate clubs that does not require its members to pay monetary fees in order to race.  We require members of the team to purchase their own uniforms and equipment, but the team covers all additional costs of racing, including race registration, lodging, and transportation, thus making the sport we love accessible to a much wider range of interested Bucknellians.

You can view our sponsorship packet online here.  Make sure to download the PDF for proper formatting and quality.  Even if you yourself choose not to be a sponsor or donor, we encourage you to share our proposal with any and all friends of the team or members of the cycling community.  Thank you to those who have made Bucknell Cycling possible, and we hope you continue your tremendous support of our team in the future!
Only a few weeks before the Bucknell Cycling veterans will again welcome a new freshmen class to the roads of Central PA.