Sunday, February 24, 2013

1st Inaugural Alumni Ride


Hey all!  Many of you were here this weekend for our first Annual Bucknell Cycling Alumni Ride.  It was an idea that originally spurred from the mind of Eric Salzer—a graduate from 2006.  The team and those who participated this weekend wish to extend a heartfelt thanks to Eric for his work in putting it all together.  Other than that, the man’s got a wickedly awesome draft.  But I’m getting off track.  The former BU riders who were here include:

Eric Salzer, Sam Camens, Steve Szwec, Rebekah Morris, Margaret Hartman Boehmer, Jeff Boehmer, Dan Wood, Jeff Salvitti, Todd Dowling, Matthew Means, Kevin Curran, and Aaron Meyers. 

A few others joined us too, while Harry, Lazer, Wengert, and I represented the current squad on the ride.  The crew seemed to have an eventful night out on the town both Friday and Saturday, which included some sling-shot fruit launching and a visit from Papa K on Saturday.  I was honestly shocked at how many former riders showed up.  It was pretty crazy.  The plan is to possibly have another weekend next fall, and I’m already looking forward to it. 

Here are some photos from the ride.  We went out to Jacks and came back over New Berlin for almost 50 miles by the end of the day.  There were various sprint points along the way, dominated by sir Means.  The climbs went to Lazer on Jacks and Salvitti on New Berlin.  Lazer also took the final mailbox sprint.  By the way—dark horse alert: HC is killing it on the climbs!  Race season starts next weekend. – Case

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Friday, February 22, 2013

Preparing for the Season – NEXT WEEK!

859873_423732937710007_320330966_oThe race season is just one week away.  I’m up late the night before the Alumni ride…being my old loser self and doing a few updates on the blog, which is always a work in progress.  Here are some pictures from the past week.  The first is from last weekend, when the boys of the team went out for 70 big ones with coach Phil.  We basically did 3 Rivers and then went out for Friday Ride immediately once we got back into campus.  Lazer was crushing it up the hills, followed closely behind by Harry…who is looking very strong – and just in time!  Sam and I took the wind all the way home.  Here we are with the rest of the dudes behind us.  Pretty good looking line eh?

Then, there was a stationary bike race in the gym on Tuesday night, which you can see, Dan, Grimes, and Harry, had great fun in participating in.  I am not surprised that Grimes took home the title, he’s been plugging away on those new bikes since the gym got them a few months ago. 

- Caserace

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Monday, February 11, 2013

Aerodynamics – you don’t need an MIT Wind Tunnel to figure it out…

Found this video on GCN this afternoon and found it very relevant to ECCC racing.  That hood style in number 7 or 8 (I don’t remember…) is pretty much TINO’s MO.  Flat back, flat arms, skinny legs…all keys to great bike racing.  In addition, pay attention to the race number bit.  I often get made fun of for being so fussy with my numbers, but if they are flapping around, all they are doing is holding you back!

- caserace



Saturday, February 9, 2013

Blog Undergoing Re-Design

Hey All!  The blog is undergoing a bit of a re-design, so I will try to get it looking normal again very soon!

- Caserace