Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Two Great Saturday Rides…Support Bicycles Against Poverty!

Hey BU Cycling fans.  Just wanted to update everyone on how the early season training/bonding is going so far.  Below are some pictures from the last two Saturday rides embarked upon by the team.  The first, was composed of Kyle (GREAT TO SEE THAT KID RIDING AGAIN!!!), Sam, Harry, Dan, and I.  We did Sandman courtesy of Tino’s directions but we ended up getting lost and did our own thing in the end…finishing on the top of Supplee (which is definitely not part of Sandman).  Oh well, ya live and learn. 

photo (3) me dan

IMG_0505Last Saturday was an especially special ride. Sara, Eric, Harry, Doreen, and I all joined Muyambi (the founder of Bicycles Against Poverty) on a nice and relaxing ride of Covered Bridges. Eric is looking like the next workhorse of the team…while I have finally convinced Sara to come to some races with us! (You can’t back out now Sara…haha). It was great to talk with Muyambi about his journey across the country, and all the fantastic places that he has seen. Muyambi has transformed himself into a pretty impressive cyclist over the past few months…logging (if I remember correctly) about 1,700 miles on his trip this summer. We wish him well as his trip comes to a close with some major cities in the coming weeks. If you are interested in supporting Muyambi’s BAP cause, check out his website here. Can’t wait for the Milton Race this weekend!

- Case

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  1. So nice to meet all of you! I agree-- Sarah, you can't back down now, and next ride if you like, you can use my Giant OCR-3 to get the feel of a road bike! Eric, I will be pedaling the Milton Race course tomorrow morning, send me a message if you would like to do the course with me. See you at the Milton Race! -Doreen

  2. surely you will then need to look at the type of cycles that are suitable for such cycle routes a mountain bike or if the terrain is not too severe then perhaps a hybrid cycle may be suitable. best bike
